Spreading Kindness Newsletter
September 2018
As summer stretches into September we’ve seen Kindness signs popping up in yards in Lane County. In August, Spreading Kindness took part in the Nobel Peace Laureate Project event at Alton Baker Park celebrating non-profit organizations that provide humanitarian service to people in the community. Check out upcoming events in September and October.
Simple Acts of Kindness
Looking for a way to brighten someone’s day?
- Make dinner for a family in need.
- Help an elderly person with their groceries.
Upcoming Events
Bookreading and Interactive Exploration
7:15 – 8:45 pm
Tsunami Books
2585 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR
Free of charge
Doug Carnine will read excepts from his book How Love Wins: The Power of Mindful Kindness. Take this opportunity to preview the upcoming How Love Wins study groups starting this Fall.
Mindful Kindness Study Groups
Registration in now open!
Doug Carnine will lead two Mindful Kindness study groups this fall. Both study groups are free of charge and will have six sessions. A Sunday afternoon group begins on September 30. A Tuesday evening group begins on October 2. If you need to miss a session you can easily attend the same session in the alternate study group. Minimum enrollment for each study group is 8 people. All sessions are held at The Oaks, 1424 Oak Patch Road, Eugene and are free of charge.
The study groups will be based on Carnine’s book, How Love Wins: The Power of Mindful Kindness. The sessions will be a mix of small and large group discussions. Those interested in benefiting from the course will be encouraged to do the practice exercises in the book before each study group session. Two chapters will be covered at each meeting.
Doug will provide all enrollees free copies of the chapters he has recently revised.
Sunday sessions:
Dates: Sept. 30, Oct. 14, 28, Nov. 11, Nov. 25, Dec 9
Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm
Tuesday sessions:
Dates: Oct. 2, 16, 30, Nov. 13, 27, Dec. 11
Time: 6:00 – 7:30 pm
To register or receive email updates about the study groups contact: Doug Carnine.
UO Insight Seminar
Doug Carnine will present a UO Insight Seminar on his book How Love Wins: The Power of Mindful Kindness.
It has been proposed that kindness is one of the basic human instincts. Research shows that increased kindness leads to greater happiness, better health, longer life and stronger relationships. Professor Carnine’s experience mentoring maximum-security prisoners in Buddhist meditation led him to the development of “mindful kindness” as a spiritual practice. This seminar teaches mindfulness as a way of cultivating kindness and diminishing unkindness toward oneself and others.
Registration for this seminar is now open at: UO Insight Seminar.
Date: Saturday, September 29, 2018
Time: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Location: UO Baker Downtown Center (10th & High St.)
Cost: $75 (Includes a copy of book, coffee, cookies and lunch)
Interest Group Updates
Kindness in Signs
Business cards and lawn signs with a message to “Choose Kindness” are currently available. Lawn signs can be decorated and personalized. A $5 donation for each sign is suggested.
Other projects in the works include bumper stickers and kindness art projects for children.
For more information contact: spreadkingkindness7@gmail.com
Kindness in the Workplace
Bruce Abel and Steve Christiansen are available to meet with management or staff teams to discuss workplace kindness. Bruce and Steve can help focus on team strengths that can promote the recognition and appreciation of thoughtful kindness as a standard organizational value. There is no cost.
For more information contact: Bruce Abel or Steve Christiansen
Kindness and Youth
The Kindness and Youth Interest Group is facilitated by Maggie Donahue. This interest group is gearing up for fall projects. To participate or get more information contact: Maggie Donahue
Kindness in Leadership
Participants in this group are encouraged to check the forum (www.mindfulkindness.community
Sharing Kindness
Please view and share the graphic below
Community Events
Eugene-Springfield Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Community Gathering and Birthday Celebration
A gathering of the Eugene-Springfield NVC community, and anyone else who is interested in learning about NVC, will take place on Saturday, October 6, from 10 am to 4:00 pm. This free event will be held at The Center for Spiritual Living, 390 Vernal St. (off Coburg Rd. near Oakway Center), Eugene.
The tentative schedule is as follows:
10:00 – 10:30 Gathering and informal visiting
10:30 – 11:00 Welcome and brief check-in: How NVC or kindness is alive in you
11:00 – 11:20 Paired sharing with empathic reflection
11:30 – 12:30 Large Group Session (one suggested topic is: How NVC and/or kindness is meaningful in your life. Additional topics may be proposed, and there may be two concurrent sessions.)
12:30 – 1:45 Potluck lunch
2:00 – 3:30 Open Space workshops (Currently proposed topics are listed below. Additional topics may be offered.)
1) Introduction to NVC (facilitated by Gary Baran)
2) Connecting across differences (facilitated by Sally Marie and Steve Goldman)
3) Spreading kindness (facilitated by a member of the kindness community)
3:30 – 4:00 Birthday cake and closing (Oct. 6 is the birthday of Marshall Rosenberg, the creator of NVC)
Please bring food and or beverages to share, and your own dishes, cups, and utensils. If you forget to bring dishes, etc., extras will be provided for you to use. Coffee and tea will also be provided.
There is no required fee for this event. Donations to cover the rental expense and in support of the Oregon Network for Compassionate Communication will be gratefully received.
For further information about this gathering, or to indicate if you plan to come, please contact Steve Goldman: stevenjgoldman@
Doug Carnine and other interest group leaders are available for presentations to religious groups, service clubs, or other gatherings interested in learning more about Spreading Kindness actions and opportunities.
To request a presentation, contact: Doug Carnine or spreadingkindness7@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunities
Spreading Kindness – Lane County is looking for someone to lead a volunteer group. The purpose of the volunteer group is to encourage more people to volunteer for programs that help the homeless. The Volunteer Leader will have the support of the Coordinator and will become a member of the Spreading Kindness Steering Committee. If you have experience working as a volunteer, are familiar with some of the homeless services offered in Lane County, and are able to assist/mentor others interested in volunteering, please contact: spreadingkindness7@gmail.com